Our Philosophy

Nurturing Growth Through Play, Partnership and Shared Values

At Footsteps By Faith, our commitment is to provide a nurturing and enriching environment where each child has the opportunity to flourish and reach their full potential. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that every child is a unique individual, inherently curious and capable of remarkable growth and learning. Inspired by the innovative teachings of Maria Montessori, we have crafted an approach that places the child at the heart of their own educational journey emphasising play; fostering strong partnerships with families; promoting values of kindness, empathy and respect; taking care of our environment; and being active in the community.

Educational Approach

We firmly believe that children are natural learners and our approach revolves around empowering them to take the lead in their educational exploration. Footsteps By Faith provides a dynamic and engaging environment that encourages curiosity, hands-on discovery and a love for learning through play-based activities. We aim to cultivate independent thinkers who are well-equipped for lifelong learning.


We recognise the importance of nurturing relationships in a child's life. Our team is committed to building these bonds, creating an atmosphere of trust and support for each child. We understand that families play a central role in a child's development, and we actively collaborate with parents to provide a seamless, holistic approach to nurturing each child's growth.

Values and Beliefs

While our founders have Christian backgrounds, we embrace diversity in beliefs and backgrounds, upholding values of kindness, empathy, and respect for all. We focus on nurturing each child's moral and ethical development, instilling in them the importance of being caring, responsible, and compassionate individuals, irrespective of faith or cultural background.

Sustainability and Environment

As stewards of our planet, we are committed to environmental sustainability. We incorporate eco-friendly practices into our programmes, teaching children the significance of safeguarding our environment and fostering a sense of responsibility for the world they will inherit.


We believe in the importance of active community participation in a child's life. Our centre encourages children to engage with and appreciate their local community through diverse activities. This connection with the broader world is a vital aspect of a child's development.